North Central Alignment & Tire

North Central Alignment & Tire has been a fixture in Sebeka since 1981. Located on Highway 71, they offer alignments on trucks, cars and pickups, as well as tire sales, oil changes and tune-ups. They also work on suspensions and brakes. “We do pretty much everything,” said Tom Hjermstad, who owns and operates the business with his stepson, Greg.
Starting his own auto repair shop wasn’t always an ambition of Tom’s. “Before that, I wasn’t close to doing this type of thing,” he recalled. He worked in sales in Minneapolis for 11 years before coming back to his hometown of Park Rapids, where he became a Mobil oil distributor. After doing that for 29 years, Tom opened North Central Alignment & Tire. Greg joined the company 27 years ago.
The automobile industry has evolved quite a bit since 1981. “Every year, you need new equipment, and every year the analyzing of the engines changes, too,” said Tom. “When we first started in tires, there were a dozen different kinds. Now, there are 200 or 300 sizes.” Luckily, navigating the ever-changing industry is easier with West Central’s phone, internet and security services.
For all your auto repairs and maintenance, stop by North Central Alignment & Tire at 407 US Hwy 71 N, Sebeka or call 837-5121. You can also find them on Facebook.
Call West Central Telephone at 837-5151 to learn about our phone systems, internet plans and security systems for your business.