Sebeka United Methodist Church at 100 Jefferson Ave S, Sebeka, MN • 218-472-3288

The Sebeka Food Shelf is a volunteer-run program that helps families who find themselves short on funds and food or other necessities like diapers. It prioritizes people with children and the elderly. Families are typically served one time each month by the food shelf, which focuses on the Sebeka School District.

The Sebeka Food Shelf helps roughly 32 families per month and gives out over 2,000 pounds of food. There are several volunteers that make sure this process of helping other people goes smoothly. We spoke with treasurer Joyce Limanen and manager Kay Oehlenschlager, and asked them what their favorite part of their job was. They both said, “We love helping the community and this is a great way of doing it!”

West Central Telephone feels the same and we were happy to donate $500 toward the purchase of a new freezer for the food shelf. Many in the community also donate fresh produce and cash. Cash is king, as volunteers have a $5 to $1 purchasing power with the food banks.

The Sebeka Food Shelf is open one day a week — Thursdays from 5-7 pm. — and is located in the back of the Sebeka United Methodist Church at 100 Jefferson Ave S, Sebeka, MN. You can also reach them at 218-472-3288.