A Clean Plate
Looking for healthy foods free of chemicals and pesticides? You’ll find them and more at A Clean Plate Local & Organic Grocery in Menahga. Owned by Wayne and Julie Isaacson, the store sells the most complete selection of organic foods in a 60-mile radius.
Eight years ago, Wayne was on a mission to get healthy and began researching foods. He didn’t like what he found — overly processed foods with chemicals and preservatives, produce with pesticides, and meat from animals fed a steady diet of genetically modified grains and antibiotics. With 17 years of grocery management under his belt, Wayne and Julie opened A Clean Plate Local & Organic Grocery in July 2012.
The selection at A Clean Plate includes:
• Fresh produce from local farms like Red Fern Gardens of Sebeka
• Organic meat from area farmers
• Non-homogenized, minimally pasteurized milk from an Osceola dairy farm
• Over 100 items available in bulk including quinoa, oats, grains, raw nuts and spices
• Eggs from free-range chickens at Yellow Rose Organic Farms
• The Isaacsons are grateful for community support and love helping local farmers sell their products.
The store uses a Point of Sale system that relies on Internet from West Central Telephone for updates as well as credit card and debit card transactions. Product ordering is done online, and Facebook is their main form of marketing. Wayne said, “The dependability and speed of West Central’s Internet service make my job of run-ning a small business in Menahga possible.
For healthy foods, check out A Clean Plate at 13 Birch Ave SE in Menahga, visit ACleanPlateGrocery.com, or call 564-1010.
For technology to help give your business a healthy bottom line, call West Central Telephone at 837-5151.